Below are the standard measurement names for all measurements currently used by the designs we maintain:
Measurement | Description |
ankle | Ankle circumference |
biceps | Biceps circumference |
bustFront | Front part of chest circumference |
bustPointToUnderbust | Distance from bust point to underbust circumference |
bustSpan | Distance between two bust apex points |
chest | Chest circumference at fullest part (but see pluginBust below) |
crossSeam | Distance from waist line in front, through legs, to waist line in back |
crossSeamFront | Front portion of crossSeam |
crotchDepth | Height from surface to waist line when seated |
head | Head circumference |
heel | Heel circumference |
highBust | Chest circumference just under the arms |
highBustFront | Front portion of highBust |
hips | Hips circumference |
hpsToBust | High point shoulder to bust line |
hpsToWaistBack | High point shoulder to waist line in back |
hpsToWaistFront | High point shoulder to waist line in front |
inseam | Distance from crotch fork to floor |
knee | Knee circumference |
neck | Neck circumference |
seat | Seat circumference |
seatBack | Back portion of seat circumference |
shoulderSlope | Angle that the shoulder line slopes downward, in degrees |
shoulderToElbow | Distance from tip of shoulder to elbow |
shoulderToShoulder | Distance from tip of one shoulder to the other, across the back |
shoulderToWrist | Distance from tip of shoulder to wrist |
underbust | Chest circumference just below the breasts |
upperLeg | Leg circumference near the top of the leg |
waist | Waist circumference |
waistBack | Back portion of waist circumference |
waistToArmpit | Distance from waist line to the armpit |
waistToFloor | Distance from waist line to floor |
waistToHips | Distance from waist line to hips circumference, along side of body |
waistToKnee | Distance from waist line to knee circumference, along side of body |
waistToSeat | Distance from waist line to seat circumference, along side of body |
waistToUnderbust | Distance from waist line to underbust circumference, along side of body |
waistToUpperLeg | Distance from waist line to upperLeg circumference, along side of body |
wrist | Wrist circumference |
Measurements from plugin-measurements
In addition, the @freesewing/plugin-measurements plugin will add the following measurements if the required measurements they are derived from are provided:
Measurement | Description | Required Measurements |
seatFront | Front portion of seat circumference | seat , seatBack |
seatBackArc | Half of seatBack | seat , seatBack |
seatFrontArc | Half of seatFront | seat , seatBack |
waistFront | Front portion of waist circumference | waist , waistBack |
waistBackArc | Half of waistBack | waist , waistBack |
waistFrontArc | Half of waistFront | waist , waistBack |
crossSeamBack | Back portion of crossSeam | crossSeam , crossSeamFront |
Measurements from plugin-bust
In addition, the @freesewing/plugin-bust plugin will add and modify the following measurements.
Measurement | Description |
bust | Bust circumference (bust is set to the value of chest ) |
chest | (chest is changed to the value of highBust ) |
How to take measurements is documented on
For instructions on how to take measurements, please refer to our maker documentation on